README.txt for 30 April 2020 files Files in this zip are automatically recreated during data pumping operations. The origin of the data is ... Electronic Code of Federal Regulations e-CFR data is current as of April 28, 2020 USER NOTICE The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) is a currently updated version of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). It is not an official legal edition of the CFR. The e-CFR is an editorial compilation of CFR material and Federal Register amendments produced by the National Archives and Records Administration's Office of the Federal Register (OFR) and the Government Publishing Office. The OFR updates the material in the e-CFR on a daily basis. The current update status appears at the top of all e-CFR web pages. There is more at ================================================================================= If you have trouble downloading a zip file please get in touch and we can provide an alternative facility. Files in the zip include this file plus ... cfr.html cfr_orig.html cfr_dg.xlsx cfr_marpol.xlsx --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All the information is publically available on the US eCFR website first linked above. The spreadsheets have been derived from the html files in the zip. cfr.html has both hazardous materials and marine pollutants with all formatting removed. cfr_orig.html is the page as downloaded from the US eCFR site on the above date. Your co-operation in reporting any errors you see will be greatly appreciated. Errors will be promptly fixed, files will be replaced and notification emailed to those on our mailing list. Please ask to be included on that list so you are not left with out-of-date or incorrect information. Mike Dewhirst Director Climate Pty Ltd +61(0)3 9034 3977 +61(0)411 704 143